News Items Text

(Teks News Items)
A. Definition of News Items Text

The definition of News Items Text is to inform reader about events happened every time. These events are conveyed to the reader as an event that is considered important, warm and worthy to be informed.
News Items Text adalah untuk menginformasikan kepada pembaca tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi setiap waktu. Kejadian-kejadian tersebut yang di sampaikan kepada pembaca  sebagai kejadian yang dianggap penting, hangat dan layak untuk diinformasikan).

B. Social Function
To give information to reader or listener about event that is considered important or even newsworthy.
(Memberitahukan kepada pembaca, pendengar, atau penonnton tentang peristiwa-peristiwa atau kejadian yang dipandang penting atau bahkan layak diberitakan).

C. Generic Structure of News Items Text
1. Newsworthy Event
In this stage, the writer / reporter gives the recount of the events in summary form.
(Pada tahap ini, penulis / wartawan memberikan penghitungan ulang kejadian-kejadian dalam bentuk ringkasan).

2. Background Event
In this stage, the events clearly elaborated such as what, where, when, and to whom or in what circumstances the events happened.
(Pada tahap ini, peristiwa dengan jelas diuraikan seperti apa, di mana, kapan, kepada siapa atau dalam keadaan apa peristiwa itu terjadi).

3. Source
In this stage, the writer / reporter informs some comments by the participants, witness, and authorities expert on the event.
(Pada tahap ini, penulis / waartawan memberi tahu beberapa komentar oleh para peserta, saksi-saksi, dan ahli yang berwenang pada kejadian tersebut).

News Items Text
The Example of News Items Text in English
Based on information in Newspaper, Jawa Pos on March, 13th 2018, writer would like to tell the information because he considered that it was really important. Many people in Tegalrejo village were shocked when they got notification by SMS (Short Message Service). It told them that they did the debit transaction which caused they lost their money. They contacted the BRI bank in the following day to make sure that their money could be saved. As the result, the BRI bank tried to give solutions and solve the problem by working together with some institutions

One of the victims was Elvina. It was a little strange the nominal shows coma, such as Rp.504.146, 49 she told the jawa pos radar Kediri on March 12, 2018. In fact, they did not do any transactions. The next day, they came to the BRI KCU Ngadiluwih. There were also many people who had the same fate. One of the BRI staffs told them that the case will be processed within 40 workdays. The number of BRI Customers who reported to BRI KCU Ngadiluwih are 16 people who came from three districts those were Ngadiluwih, Ringinrejo, and kras. Because it happens in some areas, the BRI staff thought that it would still happen to some other areas.

The nominal of the customers’ money which was gone are different between one customer and other customers. According to the leader of BRI cabang Kediri, Kusnadi, the staff had been searched the cause why they lost their money. For the first probability, it could be caused by the crime banking with skimming technique. It means they bug the data from the customer’s ATM through a tool installed in machine of ATM. So when the customers do transaction, the pin is known. Actually, the staffs have done the anticipation the probabilities of the crime with the skimmer.

Team of BRI Bank has done the cleanliness and control to see whether there were things suspected in the ATM machine.  As we they know that skimmer is very small, he said. Related to the case, dadi said, the report of customers who are the money are gone, it has happened on march, 3rd 2018 but only some people. Since that, they have done the searching. Dadi added that there were a probability the doers are syndicates involved foreigners. It was be able to be seen by the nominal of the money taken with incomplete numbers. Furthermore there were also numbers which are taken after coma.

The BRI bank will replace the money for the costumers who were gone by reporting their selves to the customer service in BRI bank. By telling the number of bank account then the staff of BRI bank will give them a trouble ticket code. The funds are from the centre of BRI, dadi said. They will work together with some staffs. It can from the policemen and FBI because this has been international connection. Additionally, BRI staffs have done some effort to make inactive features to other countries indicated the skimming for example debit. It was done by Perseroan. And continuously control the emergence new skimming patterns from other countries. Related to skimming, so far the staffs of BRI bank continuously did the coordination with other banks and OJK (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) to do prevention” added by the former of director of PT telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom itu).

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