Gambar Taman Bungkul Surabaya |
Dahulu kala, taman ini hanya sebagai objek wisata religi. Orang-orang datang ke sana untuk mengunjungi tempat sakral, Sunan Bungkul. Sekarang semuanya mendapat banyak perubahan. Pemerintah kota Surabaya menjadikan taman ini menjadi taman terbaik di Surabaya.
Luas tanah dari taman ini adalah 900 meter persegi. Bagi siapapun yang ingin berkunjung, berkunjung saja baik orang local ataupun wisatawan secara gratis. Pengunjung akan mendapatkan suasana yang sejuk meskipun berada di pertengahan kota yang ramai karna ada banyak pohon disekitar taman.
Taman ini sangat selalu ramai setiap harinya, terutama pada akhir pekan karna biasa nya pemerintah setempat sering menyelenggarakan CFD (Car Free Day). Taman ini sangat cocok untuk semua kalangan mulai dari anak kecil sampai dewasa.
Disana, pemerintah setempat menyediakan tempat kran air minum yang siap untuk diminum. Selain itu, ada banyak fasilitas antara lain trek sepeda skateboard & BMX, kuliner, koneksi wifi, jogging tract, dan menikmati melihat air mancur. Disekitar taman juga ada warung yang menyajikan berbagai macam makanan terutama makanan tradisional seperti pecel semanggi suroboyo, dan emping jagung parutan kelapa.
Bungkul Park is a very famous park and is one of the icons in the Surabaya city because in 2013 the park was awarded as the Best Asian Park in East Java. This park is located in the middle of the city which is located on Raya Darmo street where it is located on the side of the main road in the city, Surabaya.
Once upon a time, this park was only a religious tourism object. People come there to visit the sacred place, Sunan Bungkul. Now everything has changed a lot. The government of Surabaya city makes this park to be the best one in Surabaya.
The land area of this park is 900 square meters. For anyone who wants to visit, just visit both local and tourists for free. Visitors will get a cool atmosphere despite being in the middle of a busy city although there are many trees around the park.
This park is very busy every day, especially on weekends because the local government usually celebrates CFD (Car Free Day). This park is perfect for all people from young children to adults.
There, the local government provides a drinking water tap that is ready to drink. In addition, there are many facilities including skateboard & BMX bicycle tracks, culinary, wifi connections, jogging tracts, and enjoying seeing fountains. Around the park there are also shops warung serve a variety of foods especially traditional foods such as pecel semanggi suroboyo, and emping jagung parutan kelapa.
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