With money, we can buy anything that we want and need every day. Money has value based on the number written on the money.
For example, in Indonesia, the currency is Rupiahs we have 1.000, 2.000, 5.000, 10.000, 20,000, 50,000, and 100.000, and there are even fewer values than those mentioned above.
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Money is as a tool to pay so we can buy everything, especially for necessaries. Another thing that we can discuss at this moment is that how wise you use that money. Sometimes people are frugal and extravagant. Which one are you?
Remember, value of money is different. Let me give an easy example, “The price of a cow is equal to the price of 5 goats”. Anything also refers to the quality.
If the quality of an item is good then it is expensive and if it is bad then it is a bit cheap.
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For a merchant who sells fish and vegetables, they will maintain the quality of their merchandise.
If the fish is stale and while the quality of the vegetable is not good, the selling price must decrease. This case can occur in the value of the price of electronic goods. The more days, the price value will decrease.
What we can conclude now, especially about the fact of money those are any currency in the world is different but in Indonesia using Rupiah, when people use the money sometimes frugal and extravagant, value of money is based on the quality of the goods or items.
If the quality of item is good, it will be so expensive and if bad, it will cheap.
Finally, an easy example about The Fact of Money is that for a merchant who sells fish and vegetables, they will maintain the quality of their merchandise. If the fish is stale and while the quality of the vegetable is not good, the selling price must decrease.
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